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Driven By Purpose


Where is that destination without direction?

Where is that destination without means of transportation?

What is the reason for life?

What is life without a Purpose?

We all need a drive in this life,

For it is the reason we were all created (for a purpose).

We were made for each other;

We were made for GOD.

Why does GOD love you?

If he did not have a reason to create you;

Why did GOD create you?

If he did not have a reason.

GOD is love and he wants to express love;

GOD is love and he wants you to love.

Your purpose to GOD is to please him:

The purpose to Praise and Worship him in Spirit and in Truth.

Why did GOD give you talents?

Why are you useful in different ways?

Why do we think differently?

You were made uniquely;

You were crafted by GOD in His own image.

God did not make you an island,

because we are made for each other;

That's the essence of Co-existence.

Is it not important that you know your purpose?

Is it not important to live for a reason?

Life does not tell you which way to go;

GOD alone that created you, has his reasons:

You are to express GOD's glory:

It is the whole essence of being created in GOD's image;

You cannot increase GOD's glory,

You can only express his glory.

Wise is a man who knows his purpose;

Wise is the man who lives for a reason;

Wise is the man who is driven by purpose;

Wise is the man who lives a life of purpose.

GOD made you for a purpose;

You should embrace that purpose,

By focusing on GOD, rather than yourself,

By living for GOD, not yourself.

What is life without a purpose,

For only in the creator, does a creation finds its purpose.

You were endowed with gifts and talents;

Just so you worship GOD,

Just so we support each other in love.

They say, no man is an island,

For GOD made you for his will,

And that alone.

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