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7 Tips To Make The Best Out of 2022


It's such a lovely time of the year. Day 4 of 365. It's a brand new year.

Cheers to making things happen. 2022. Happy new year!

You know, we all get to start fresh. Maybe I'd call today point zero or point 4 😅. And at this point, your year can be anything you want. I mean, anything! It can either be your best year, some year or the worst! 

This is the 'resolution season'. People resolve to start something or stop something or upgrade or downgrade something, somehow, somewhere...Urggghh...The point here, is change!

Know this: You cannot experience change until you change your ways.

How can you make the best out of 2022? Here are some tips:

1. Know your motivation

In the spirit of 'new year resolutions', I won't ask you to plan for 2022. You have done that (most likely). I will not ask you to reflect on 2021 either. The focus should be your motivation.

I recall late December, 2021, I picked a book where I wrote some of my plans and aspirations in 2020. I was planning for 2021. Phew! I must say, it was a masterpiece. Can you guess what I found?

Many of my plans were achieved. Although, I suffered some setback, I was able to realise a reasonable number of my goals. Some of these goals were ongoing, others are still ongoing. 

I didn't have to look at my 'Vision 2021'. I did away with it. But some how, I was able to realise some of my goals. Why is that? How was it possible?

I was motivated by something. I did not need some paper to dictate how I should go. I was clear on where I wanted to be. My motivation gave me clarity of purpose.

Not that the paper was wrong, but that the motivation/vision was greater than the paper. My mindset was focused on the goal. My subconscious took steps to realise them. I was positioned in places I needed to be. I learnt lessons I needed to learn - The power of motivation.

What am I driving at?

I was motivated, determined and spirited. These attributes did invisible wonders in helping me reach my goals.

Know what motivates you. You can reflect on your past and think deep about what you want. 2022 must be your best year.

2. Don't make excuses for your goals

We are often caught in the web of excusing our goals before realizing them. We already have dishes of excuses ready for any little setback on our journey to attain those goals.

Remember I said, you have to change your ways to get change. If 2022 must be your best year, you must be ready to embrace the right attitude.

Let me explain what I mean by making excuses for your goals. 

Let's assume you have a goal to make 1 million naira in January. 

You might find yourself saying this: "I must make 1 million naira this month, but if another wave of covid-19 hit, I no go fit reach am". - That kind of a thing.

What's the problem with giving excuses?

You constantly see problems, challenges, negativity... The bad side of things. And somehow, you are already leveraging on them. If by any chance you don't achieve your goals, one voice in your head will speak...

"I told you it was not possible. You have wasted your time."

And time after time you will cling to this negativity. All your actions and results will be a reflection of this negativity and you will hardly achieve your goals.

Yeah, I am going somewhere.

Your goals will only come to pass when you take responsibility instead of making excuses. Exactly, take it, it's available. You don't need to make excuses. 

Excuses can come from anywhere. Your friends, what you see, what you hear... Anywhere! 

Know your motivation and keep excuses far from your view. You're on track to experience the best year - 2022.

3. Your lifestyle must reflect discipline

Yahhhh! You must be disciplined. Be a master of yourself. Your flesh is by default yearning for the best form of enjoyment and gratification at the slightest possible time. 

I will always say: "A man without discipline is a man that can never achieve anything so great".

You cannot attain the highest height of greatness without discipline. It's the secret of the most successful people. (You can read my article on Self-discipline).

Discipline is what keeps you on track. Imagine knowing our destination, you will need a vehicle to take you there. Discipline is that vehicle. It is what keeps you on course.

What discipline is not?

Punishing yourself for your mistakes. 

Discipline should help out reach your goals. It's a positive vibe. Without discipline, man doesn't exist. Like I said, discipline is the car that will take you to your goals. Once you compromise, you compromise your journey.

Discipline is the most difficult of anything. We are inherently slaves to our flesh. We must undergo some torture before we can assume mastery of our flesh. I will update this write-up on discipline and explain better.

What is your takeaway?

Strive to become your master rather than your slave. Deny your self of some enjoyment. Maybe it's better to live a hard life.

Refuse instant gratification. You don't need to chop life now. Delay your gratification - pay the price. It can be painful and hard, but you will be grateful to yourself for chosing to master your flesh.

I recommend this book by Martin Meadows - 365 days of self discipline. After all, the year is still fresh. 

Let the attitude of discipline drive you to make 2022 your best year.

4. Invest in yourself

Strive to be better with each passing day. You cannot do big things without putting in something. You cannot harvest any fruits without sowing a seed. 

How will you get better if you don't work towards it. Sometimes, to have to pay the price of hard living. You have to deny yourself of some good things because of a future you desire. 

You have to be intentional about winning big. Coupled with your discipline, motivation and desire for responsibility, you're steps ahead in getting the best from 2022.

I believe it's easier to live life the hard way. Things become soft at the aftermath. If you don't water your ground, your journey will be rough. You have to take the effort to soften your ground with your sweat.

I cannot over emphasise this. If you must be globally relevant this year, you must embrace self-investment. Take courses. Some are free, some are paid. Go after value.

Invest in capacity building, creativity, innovation.

Certificates are nice, but go after value first before certifications. Certificates only verify your knowledge. But the Value you have gained is yours to offer anyone.

Be intentional. Invest in yourself. 2022 will be your year to harvest the best results.

5. Your relationships

There are many proverbs that speak of your relationship and how it affects the quality of your life. One if them : Show me your friend and I will tell oh who you are. 

People don dey cut off oo😅. You sef, go and cut people off. There are some people that have no value in your life. There are people you call friends that are enemies. 

Clear your relationship space before inviting the positive minded. Know those that can help you with your goals. Don't jump on the wagon of people who constantly make an effort to devalue your goals.

Take this from me: Any 'friend' who mocks you for doing something noble and impactful does not rate you.

Don't surround yourself with people who don't rate you. If you do, you will only see reasons to quit and please them. By being with them, you lose your focus. You go against the first tip and prioritise the wrong motivation.

Now, to the other side of the coin.

Make positive relationships. Be a party to capacity building. Surround yourself with people who can help your dreams become a reality. 

Beware, don't be a pest. Don't be a parasite. There must be mutual benefit In your relationship. You shouldn't be leaching off someone while they can't get anything from you. If that's the case, you are USELESS!

Be useful to people. Network. Your network they say is your net worth - True. Key into this and do it the right way.

How to network

Networking like I may have mentioned before, is forming mutually beneficial relationships with the right people.

Yeah, the right people. Who are the right people

1. Those doing what you do

2. Those that need what you do

You have to connect with those in your industry. Also, you should connect with people that may need your goods or services. They are the people that have your money.

I learnt yesterday, (3/1/22) that Networking is not just having the right people's number and they have your number. Okay, you view statuses. But you're not adding value.

If you need to network with someone in your industry, learn to discuss the industry with that person. Don't just view status/stories and go. Don't just say 'beautiful'. Engage in conversations. Let them see how knowledgeable and valuable your are.

You can criticise their work. You can make suggestions and corrections politely. After all, we are all bound to make mistakes no matter how little. 

Don't be a passerby. Be valuable. You are making a valid connection by following these strategies. And mind you, you should not barge in with Industry jargons.

Better ways to network

If you should connect with someone in your industry, it is pertinent that you don't talk about your jobs first. Let them know you. People won't trust you simply because you're good. You have to have the right character.

Your courtesy, emotional intelligence, other 'soft skills' (I don't really like the name soft skills). Those invisible building blocks of your job or service or whatever it is that you do. Be natural. Don't be a fake person. People need to assess your attitude and character before your job comes in.

If these characters and attitudinal behaviors are missing, you are simply wasting your time. So building relationships first then what you do.

I must say I learnt a lot this 2022.

Back to course

Your relationships can either make or mar you. Some of your 'friends' are comfortable with you being a loser. They like it as they spoon feed you. They like it as you run to them for help anytime you need help.

They are scared that if you can fly on your own, they won't feel important again. So they distract you. They try to make you lose sight of the goal. My word for you is...

FOCUS. Define your relationships and how they hold value. Don't hang on the toxic relationships with 'You don't know tomorrow'. The longer you hang them there, the higher your chances of needing their help tomorrow.

Why don't you work your part with positive and productive people around you. Instead of playing the odds of someone's influence on your life, bet on yourself. Use that energy to develop yourself.

Relationships are vital. It is an agent of motivation. It helps you define your motivation and walk towards it. They either make excuses for you or push you to responsiblity. They can either shape your life into discipline or treat you loosely without discipline. 

Make the best out of 2022 with your relationships.

6. Be open to opportunities

Be open! Last night I listened to Revival Tent, hosted by Pastor Daniel Olawande. He spoke a lot on bringing prophecy to life. 

One section that hit hard was being sensitive to opportunities. I must say, opportunities are everywhere. Opportunities don't hide. They are everywhere. You must open your eyes to see them.

And I have over time observed that if you don't seek opportunities, you won't get to them. Just change your lenses to those of opportunities and you will see them even in the darkest places (literally).

Be open to them. 

How can I be open to opportunities?

Volunteering for causes that align with your goals and motivations. Test the waters and do these things to create a more friendly environment for society.

Another way is through Your relationships - networking... Submit yourself to mentorship. Be accountable to somebody. I missed this point when I was taking of discipline. Well here it is...


Accountability keeps you on your toes. Accountability does not have to be a superior to subordinate relationship. It can be anywhere and anyhow. What's most important is that you are accountable.

What is Accountability? Simply a system of checks and balances. Where there's reward for task done well and there are consequences for faults.

Rewards and punishment can be in any form no matter how subtle. Accountability is what makes your goals realer.

How does accountability relate with opportunity?

When you're accountable, there is an invisible force within you that wants to get better. And with this longing to get better is the clarity of purpose that you get.

You see opportunities everywhere and in everything. Your passion shoots up. Your desires shoot up! You see opportunities. 

Na OT I just give you oo!

7. Believe

If you must get the best out of this year, you must believe. You must believe that you will get the best out of it. Don't give room for doubt. Don't give room for excuses. Believe.

Belief is what holds your motivation. Belief is what sticks al other tips together. Without the belief that you can make it well, you can never achieve your goals. 

Right now, in this moment that I'm typing this, my head is just ringing belief! Belief! Belief! Because it's important for you to do so.

Your belief is an act of responsibility on your part. It is what outweighs excuses in the scale of success. When you believe, you perform exploits.

Who do you believe in? Or what do you believe in?

You must believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it. Believe in your abilities. Believe In God, the Almighty. Your situation goes in the way you want when you believe.

Although there are bound to be set backs, believe is what ensures your goals are not set aback. You keep striving forward because you know and believe that all will be well.

Believe, believe believe.

Believe on your self. When you're investing time, resources in developing your skills, your talent, your relevance, you must believe and bet on yourself to achieve the best results.

Things may seem tough. Things may seem difficult. Things may seem impossible. But believe, things will align and you will breakthrough.

How should I stop? 🥺

 Maybe I should give you bonus. Check these out: Survival skills

I have given you 7 tips to make the best out of 2022. But fortunately, there are more. Watch this space as I update and dissect these tips into bits of value every Tuesday.

I remain Glory Ipadeola, TheWittyProfessor. Gee! 😂😂😂


Happy New Year 🌹

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  1. Wow, You did a nice work as usual...Trust me I am going to implement the tips.

    1. Thank you very much. It will be my utmost pleasure if you do.

  2. These are great. I love the one about investing in yourself. Sometimes you need to so you can take the next step.

    1. Thank you so much. We need to plant the seed to get the fruits we desire.

  3. A very wonderful and impacting article. More wisdom sir, God bless you

    1. Amen. I am blessed by the fact that it's impactful to you.

  4. Awesome content, Gee! Every one of those 7 steps is resourceful.


Thanks! 😇