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How to make the best out of 2024

I know it's just turning the calendar from one day to another, just like April 3 to 4, or September 17 to 18. Nothing too special. But I can't help but feel the atmosphere, the energy going around. It's the feeling of excitement and enthusiasm for a new year. It feels like an opportunity for a fresh start. So yeah, Just like I did in 2022, I've come with tips on how you can make the best out of 2024.

What will happen in 2024?

I like to observe, I like to study, I like to research, and I like to predict. If you've been observing the global landscape, you'll realize that 2024 will bring in more polarisation - more ethnic or religious disagreements, people will become more opinionated than ever before, people will begin to identify and fight for their communities the more. But that's not all... Tech will shake the world more, which means that there'll be more jobs taken over by machines, more layoffs, and the economy will only get worse.

If you want to make the best out of 2024, you have to realize that 2024 will favour creative people, forward-looking people, the knowledgeable, people with a solid circle, people with a unique identity, and those that execute ruthlessly. And now, if you want to get the best, you need to check all the 7 boxes I've listed here.

7 Tips to make the best out of 2024

1. Set Goals: 

If you want to make the best out of 2024, you need to set goals. You can't afford to be going around without goals and plans. Time is probably not on your side anymore. Set actionable goals. Set SMART goals. You can't expect to make the best of something when there are not goals to measure how good it is, or if it is even worthy to be tagged as your best year ever. You need to set goals that align with your desires and place you where you want to be.

2. Build relationships: 

You cannot underestimate the importance of relationship building in 2024. Like I mentioned earlier, 2024 will favour people who know people. You have to be a people's person in 2024. Network with people, take mentorship, nurture and build genuine friendships. You must have circles surrounding you. You need to have people. Take your time to build solid relationships in 2024, and don't throw away your past relationships. Relationships will for sure help you make the best out of 2024.

3. Acquire tech skills: 

I know it sounds cliche, but yeah, you need tech skills to thrive and live your best in 2024. Tech will have more impact on the world than previous years, and if you are not familiar with the domain, you'll lose relevance. If you can't speak the tech language, you'll be lost and it definitely not make 2024 your best year yet.

4. Invest in learning: 

Learn learn learn. Stay on top of information. Be curious. Stay up to date. Don't just expect information to flow to you. You have to go after info. You have to search. You have to seek. You need to be curious. You need to be up to date. If you're none of these, you will lose relevance in 2024. 2024 will favour people that have placed premium on knowledge, especially knowledge and understanding of times, seasons and economies.  

5. Increase your capacity to earn: 

If you're like me that isn't a multi-millionaire yet, then this goes for you. The economy will be harsher this year, at least for the earlier part of the year. To protect yourself from the scorching heat of the economy, you have to increase your earning capacity. You have to increase your sources of income. What skills do you have? How can you monetize it? How can you repackage them to earn you more? You need to deploy all your money making tactics this 2024.

6. Build your brand: 

If you want people to perceive you in the right light, then this for you. What do people say about you when you're not in the room? Is there any single thing they mention about you? What values do people attach yo your name? The truth is, life is all about perception. You cannot be more valuable than how you're perceived. So you need to work on it. Your social media is a great place. Make regular posts on X (formerly Twitter), leverage LinkedIn too. Join the marketplace. Join communities, contribute. Having a solid brand will help you make the best out of 2024.

7. Take care of your health: 

Health is wealth they say. It won't be nice if you have to visit the hospital frequently this year, or be on medications a lot of times. Eat well, sleep well, exercise. The same regular advice, isn't it? Make sure your health is in check. 'Cause if you don't take care of your health, then you won't be able to make the best out of 2024.

Any final words?

Nothing much actually. I know it's not so easy following through, which is why I've prepared another blog post on how you can become unstoppable in 2024 through desire to grow, discipline and consistency.

Till next time,


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