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I think it is easier to live life the hard way


"Life is easy when you live it the hard way... and hard if you try to live it the easy way." - Dave Kekich

Living life the hard way is simply taking on inconvenient events. Doing difficult tasks, doing things outside your pleasure...

One that lives life the hard way does a lot discomforting things. He denies himself alot of good things of life.

But then, one that lives a hard life, can survive better than one that lives an easier life. Come to think of it... They say, 'Survival of the fittest'. Which to my own understanding means that we are to survive, to live.

One that lives life the hard way is able to master himself. He has learnt to be the master of himself, and not to be a slave to himself. He lives for what he feels is right, not what his body says.

One that has Mastered the art of Self-discipline can always resist temptation and pressure. He is not easily influenced. He is able to stand his ground. He knows what is right and does it. He can achieve what he wants, because he has been able to Master himself.

Inasmuch as Self-discipline is a continuous process, the man than lives life the hard way tends to survive better than the easy liver in the times of hardship.

I don't pray for hardship for anyone, but yet I can say, that life is full of hardships and we must be able to whether the storm if it comes at any point.

Think about it, visualise situations. Become a master to your self, live life the Harder way. 

Based on 365 days of Self-discipline by Martin Meadows

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