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Revealed: The Secret of Successful People

 You have dreams, so do I. You aspire for a great future, so do I. We all have that dream life.

However, there's one reason why some are rich and others poor; bigger estates and smaller ones; more successful and less successful; happier and less  Those at the top have one thing in common - Self-discipline.

So often, we dream of 'That big life'. We believe that 'one day', we will achieve our big dreams. We are stuck in the room of 'one day we go make am.' We know what to do, but we don't just do it.

We never make that effort to stand out. Maybe we are not courageous enough. Or, we are not disciplined enough. We surround ourselves with excuses and choose to live by them.

We always prefer to create our fantasy world of our dream life. We always want to keep dreaming, without actually living it. 

Sometimes, these dreams might be short-term tasks. Like I say, I will read that book, I will call that friend, I will do this and that... But, we never do that.

We drown ourselves in excuses. We find it comfortable bringing up excuses. Excuses for failure, excuses for errors, excuses for our forgetfulness. We are not courageous enough to face our future.

We can always decide to dream. The choice is yours. Master the act of Self-discipline. Try to never give excuses for your actions and Inactions. You will see yourself, a better person.

Vacation on excuses land is over. Your dream of one day is over. So, do it now!

Recommend books

- No excuses! The power of self discipline by Brian Tracy.

- 365 days with Self-discipline by Martin Meadows

Don't just read and go. Read and learn. Take a chapter a day, starting with the first one. Don't miss a day. 

The second one, recommends daily study guide for 365 days.

Enjoy the new year!

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