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The Ultimate Game of Power


Knowledge is in the hands of a few, and the rest are kept ignorant.

The moment you're able to receive enlightenment, you're on the road to freedom. This concept, is drawn from the fact that the truth will set you free!

We can fling open the gates of the mental and emotional prisons that have confined the human race for thousands of generations. Or we can choose to allow the agents of enslavement enslave our minds and emotions and complete their agenda.

If only we can take our eyes of the television, our phones, that movie, that distraction that they have sold to you, you will be able to put your brain to action and realise that enslavement is happening, it is not going to happen. And in the due time such secrecy will be made open when there will be no force strong enough to stop them. Well, we should do what we can before then.

Ignorance is Bliss

Humanity will rather do what is right for it in the moment than consider the wider consequences of it's behaviour for human existence.

Ignorance is bliss - true. However, it cannot be for long. Ignorance pays when we don't know the danger coming and we won't have to worry. But it doesn't mean the danger will stop coming. Why don't we just open our hearts the truth and accept true knowledge, rather than take refuge in ignorance?

Our reality is created by our thoughts and actions. All of our actions and inactions birth consequences. So why don't we take responsibility for our thoughts and actions and in actions. There would be consequences for them anyway.

 When we choose to be irresponsible; When we choose not to think, we give our responsibilities and minds away. And by giving away our responsibility and mind, we give our lives away. It's all we've got. Action and thought.

[Phew! I know I'm already pouring out too much on you. Take a deep breath and continue.]

We can agree that our lives (all of us) make the world. Hence, you can agree that if a significant amount of us give our lives away, we give the world away.

We are really giving the world away. We are comfortable with enslavement. Who are the task masters? You never know till you take a peep at knowledge. The world is indeed given away to a few, and until we take significant action and thoughts, they will have it all.

The pyramid of knowledge has so many people below, and an insignificant few at the pinnacle. Why is this so? Ignorance is bliss. 

People will rather take refuge in ignorance by trying to fit in rather than fighting the status quo. They'd rather follow the principle of instant gratification than the principle of sustainable existence. 

Ignorance is truly bliss. There are a lot of people to give you company and nurse your ignorance. There are really no persons ready to nurse your mistakes on the way to the pinnacle.

 Ignorance is bliss, I say again.

We are made puppets of masked masters. We are kept in a state of ignorance, fear and war with ourselves, while they keep the most important information to themselves.

Ignorance + Fear + War

They give us comfort in ignorance. They give us reason to appreciate ignorance. They give us pills to keep us from knowledge, and we gulp it down with the glass of fear.

What a perfect formula is ignorance and fear. Fear ensures we doubt our every reason to climb. Fear ensures we do not challenge the norm. Fear ensures we appreciate ignorance, because the cost of knowledge is higher. Now, we remain ignorant and we wallow in the comfort of slavery.

 A third element in the solution is the war pitch. They pitch us against each other for war. They give us reason to hate each other. They look for ways to eliminate the weaker ones. While they sit above and watch in glamour.

They begin to sell stories of conspiracies and hate speech. We are now caught in a web of illusion. At times, when people take overdose of the ignorance pill, they begin to see what doesn't exist. They see what is not and they act on it. These overdosed persons begin to fight and campaign. They believe they harness 'true knowledge'.

Unknown to these overdosed, they are puppets of the Grand masters to sell conspiracy theories and incite hate speech, all in a bid for 'survival of the fittest'.

You must know. This is not even about race. Race is just a way to pitch us against each other. Tribe, ethnicity, language, culture, etcetera. This is what they sell to us.

Divide, Rule and Conquer

 Is it not logical? Divide, Rule and Conquer. You pitch wars, the community of ignorance hate themselves and this leads to their division. They are all divided into two: the weaker and the stronger.

They leave the weaker group to die out and depopulate, while they seize rule of the stronger. Because it is among them that they plant their overdosed puppets. They rule the stronger for sometime, allow the remainder of the weaker to become stronger, then they advance to conquest. They conquer all!

 In actual fact we can agree that true power resides with the majority, not the minority. Yet consequentially, the majority is under control by the minority. Why is this so? It is not that we don't have the power to decide our destinies (We have infinite power within us). But that we give away our influence and power to these minority everyday of our lives.


Every man is created with a quest and longing for power within him. He longs for influence and authority, formally and informally - Physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and mentally.

With this longing, we sojourn on earth. We seek power. In this quest, there are people who have wandered the earth before us. Some of which understand the true form of power. Of course, having tasted power, it cannot be shared, so they satisfy us with a lesser power - Money. We begin to worship money and believe money holds true power.

 A wonderful framework it is:

- Create the problem

- Encourage the reaction

- Recommend solutions.

It's all simple. They create the problem, there is chaos, riot and evil. Then, they encourage a reaction - protest for change. The masses react more in fear of the evil coming on them. They demand you take their freedom while you profer solutions. Then you bring on board solutions, and assume order and authority.

 The fact is that it is a whole lot difficult to control people physically. Especially when you have to control a large number of people. The best way is psychology and emotion. They best tactic for control!

Power resides with the problem solver

You may be thinking, "How do we sell our freedom for safety?" It's simple. Irresponsibility.

When we choose not to take responsibility for our thoughts, actions and in-actions, there would be consequences. We prefer to blame other people for problems. We are unable to find a paid employment - we blame the government; prices of food on the increase - the government takes the blame; our financial situation - the government takes the blame for it; even the weather.

We'd rather point fingers than we our hands to solve the problems. We'd rather avoid the problem than solve it. We'd rather ask for help than render help. We'd rather wallow in comfort than suffer in the short term. We just want someone else to take the fall, instead of us.

The narrative is "what will you do about it?" Instead of "What can I do about this?" Instead of using the problem as an opportunity, we would point fingers and wait tirelessly for someone to solve the problem.

 Have we not sold our freedom. Have we not sent our brain and minds on exile to the problem solver? The world needs problem solvers. Why be the problem pointer?

 They decide for you, not you for yourself. They introduce laws for you. They do as they wish for you. You'd rather, someone thinks for you than you move your brain and swerve into the smallest bit of discomfort.

Mind Control

Humanity is mind controlled and only slightly more conscious than the average zombie. Mind control is the manipulation of someone's mind so that they think, and therefore act in the way that you want them to.

The question is about how many people are not controlled, not how many are. Everyone to a large extent is controlled. Advertisement, hype men, social media, friends. Whatever is not your initial choice, but was influenced by external factors is a form of mind control.

The power of mind control is that it robs you of choice. You may understand that you are taking the wrong choice, but you convince yourself and say "I don't have a choice."

Yet, life is incomplete without choices. We are made up of choices. Some choices are just more favourable. Others are discomforting.  We can get back our minds and rule choices. We create our reality by our thoughts and actions. We can only get back our mind by changing the way we think and what we do. Simple!  That's the best way to change the world.

Open your eyes

To actualise the Agenda, conspiracies must be in play. They take three forms:

- Removing persons or associations that are a threat to the Agenda

- Putting people in power who will ensure the actualisation of the Agenda

- Creating events that will make people demand the Agenda (wars, terrorist attacks, economic collapse)

Why don't you see with your eyes rather than through tht device? Why choose to hear the news from your device instead of with your ears? Why choose to talk through your device rather than the person.

Of course, these devices have served as intermediary between us and the global space. However, what's alarming is the fact that we have buried our minds in them. We'd choose their opinion over ours time and time again. 

This hatched addiction has made us lose or self-confidence. We'd rely on the devices to do things for us than our selves. It's creative and good, but we've been held tightly to the Leash by 'them'. All we do is just do what they want us to do, without even realizing it.

Sophocles once said "Anything vast that enter the world of humans comes with a curse." Technology if you agree is something vast that came with it's curse. And you see, we don't even know what the problem is. We just know that there is a problem. I think it's just safe to say these things were inherently cursed.

It's like a coin. There are two sides to it. We just see a side if it (probably the head). On the other side is the curse that accompanies the beautiful penny.

It's time to go

Today it's so difficult to talk to people on a subject as this. What can I do? I will still talk about it. Maybe it will sow a seed in your mind. 

Remove the webs that have gathered your minds. Seize control and be in charge. We have I be responsible for ourselves. Stop the blame game. Don't look for problems for another person to solve. Be the problem solver. The world needs you on this journey to liberation.

We will always chase after money. We will always want to have more. But I assure you, there will come a time after you've secured a reasonable amount of money in your bag that you'd quest for more. You will prefer to solve problems. You'd prefer to be in power. You'd want to be in the light. You'd resume your quest for an integral part of your DNA - Power!

There is always more to say as regards this subject. Other people will talk about them. Maybe I will write more. However, understand this, enslavement is happening. It's not going to happen. 

I recommend a documentary - The Social Dilemma

Inspired by: The Biggest Secret (introduction) - a book (copyright reserved); The Social Dilemma.

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