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Which would You rather be: Busy or Productive?

 Focus on being productive instead of busy

Some people just take pleasure in that 'busy status'. "I am busy", "I'm booked", "My schedule is full"...

I think it makes them feel more serious or hardworking. They kind of feel superior when filling our ears with the 'I'm busy' line.

I hope you're not one of those that just want to show us and oppress us. Because most times I hear this, it feels like they just want us to feel below them, and they are making waves, doing more serious things with their lives than ours. As if they have achieved more than everybody in this life. It's just the way I see it anyways.

Don't mind my subjective, abi, agressive  tone, but you know how it goes. I've been in this too for quite a while. It's probably why I couldn't write here all this while.

Today, majority of people we see are busy bodies. They are busy with one thing or another. They are too occupied to do other things; they are full, booked. Truth be told, many of us are practising activity, rather than productivity.

Forget my violence; some people are actually busy doing real things. However, busy or not, we need to change our focus. We need to be more productive. Let me tell you the implication of this:

If you focus on being busy, you spend more time doing little; you keep yourself occupied. For instance, a carpenter who always wants to be busy, will make chairs or tables, or doors, whatever, and remain busy. He isn't doing more.

Another carpenter, who is focused on being productive, will want to be efficient, and make as many furnitures as possible in the shortest possible time. After work, he can have more alone time, me time, or time for himself.

*Image of Carpenter

*Image of Henry Ford

Henry Ford once stated: "Improved productivity means less human sweat, not more."

When you focus on productivity, you begin to work less. When you focus on being busy, you work more. Working a lot doesn't lead to success, but working efficiently. Maybe I should just preach on the difference between Hardwork and Smart work.

If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, working a lot won't necessarily take you higher, it will just stress you, frustrate you, and burn you out.

Being productive implies making an impact, making a difference, or causing a change. Being busy does not imply change, it implies occupying yourself with repititive action or work. When you focus on being busy, you're basically wasting your time. Don't focus on creating stress for yourself. Busy-focused people don't make any difference.

How do you Change your Focus from Busy to Productive?

Image of transitioning from busy to productive

It's a mindset, and it should be addressed. We need to understand both sides.

Let me run it through for you: 

People tend to have 'Busy schedules' instead of 'Productive schedules'. Like the rest of us (the productive), the busy people want to complete their tasks for the day (at the least). I mean, The feeling of ticking an item off your To-do list is... Urgghhh, Golden!

The busy people have so much to do, so we just rush it all and complete it all in time to tick our to-do lists. Here, there's no focus on productivity. After this rush, all that there is, is stress, tiredness, fatigue, and continue the cycle again.

*Image of busy vs Productive (tired vs accomplished)

Productivity yields results, while being busy does not necessarily. Well, in as much as we can always get busy, we should prioritise productivity. It's not a crime to be busy. I just think it's best that we work with the aim of being productive. It will go a long way.

How can you be more productive?

First, we addressed the mindset. Start every task with productivity in mind. Now, you need to take some action to actually be Productive.

Well, that's not for today. 

To get your answers, stay tuned... I have a lot in store for you.

*Image of 7 ways to be more productive

Cheers to productivity! 🍻

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